Care Planning

A tailored and profitable care plan built for you.

Livara harnesses data from over 100,000 patients to create a tailored care plan for every person we see. In the process, we organize patient pathways that would otherwise be a guessing game.

Data-enabled care plans. Results in just a few hours.

Review our steps for risk stratifying and tailoring care plans.

Step 01
Risk Stratification

When a patient is referred to Livara, we leverage available data to perform an initial risk stratification. This helps us understand which patients to immediately navigate to specialist’s care, and those that we believe can have success in our program.

Step 02
Intake and Self Assessment

All members starting on Livara complete a simple intake and self-assessment. The information allows our team to further refine a care plan and ensure each patient starts in the most relevant program.

Step 03
Coach Assignment

Each patient is assigned a personal coach who will be with them throughout their musculoskeletal journey. The coach relationship forms the foundation on which we measure the success of our program.

Step 04
Formal Evaluation

Patients are encouraged to schedule a formal evaluation with their coach, which is conducted by video or phone. This provides additional detail for the coach to understand the baseline of function and customize the plan for each patient.

Step 05
Medical Rounding

Patients who may need additional support are referred to our multidisciplinary rounds team. Our rounding team will make recommendations to the care plan, or in some instances suggest a referral to a specialist.

Step 06

Every patient discharged from our program represents another opportunity to refine our approach to care planning. Their outcomes can help future patients be successful.

A solution tailored to your specific needs.

Care planning is an essential component of our program, allowing us to truly understand how to help each individual achieve their goals. By taking a ground up approach to managing patients, we’re improving outcomes while lowering costs through reduced utilization.

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